You are provided with 13 circles numbered sequentially. Given that circle #1 has an area of "X", then circle #2 has area 2X; circle #3 has area 3X; circle 4 has area 4X, and so forth up to 13X. You goal is to fit them, or as many as you can, into the large square opening.
To fit all 13 is very difficult. How many can you fit? Give yourself a point total equal to the sum of the numbers on the circle for each circle you fit inside the square. Maximum possible is 91 points if you get them all inside.
Analysis by Professor Eckard Specht, Germany has shown that the minimum square that these circles will fit into (with no overlap) has a side length equal to 18.590 times the radius of the smallest circle. That is the situation presented in this puzzle. The density of the area filled is 82.7% if all 13 are inserted.
Circle packing is an interesting branch of mathematics. A circle packing is an arrangement of circles inside a given boundary such that no two overlap and some (or all) of them are mutually tangent. The math and geometry needed to make this particular challenging puzzle was obtained from by Prof. Eckard Specht of Germany.
There is extensive information on Circle Packing which you can find via an internet search on the subject.
The puzzle comes with base and cover and was made in Hudson, FL, USA using both laser and conventional woodworking techniques. It measures approx. 9" x 7.5". Wood pieces are 1/4" thick. Made in USA by Creative Crafthouse
Level of Difficulty: Level 4