Use this device to quickly find the day of the week for any date between 1901 and 2099.
Doomsday in this context does not refer to world catastrophe, but rather to particular dates in any given year which always fall on the same day. That day is called the "Doomsday" for that given year.
John Conway, UK mathematician, in 1973 developed a technique where a bright person with a little practice can within seconds determine the day of the week for any given date. You can read more about this by doing a search on "Doomsday day of the week " on internet or Youtube. It's a fascinating topic.
This device takes those math concepts and converts them to a physical device that anyone can use.
I found the basis for this at Jerry Slocum's puzzle museum where a paper model exists credited to John Foshee. As I love math that can be converted to physical objects I fell in love with it and immediately began constructing one.
It is a high quality item 5.8" in diameter made from top grade maple veneer MDF for strength and beauty. The top disk is alder. All lines are precision laser engraved and it turns on a 1/2" center dowel. It should last a lifetime.
The complete instructions on how to use it are lasered on the back, so you don't have to worry about losing the instructions.
Made here in our Hudson, FL woodshop.
Level of Difficulty: Level 2