You are given 3 sets of 6 blocks. Each set is a different wood and a different width. The goal is to fit them into the 3 long slots of the appropriate width for each set. However, for each slot only 5 of the 6 pieces will fit. There will be one left over. Your goal is to identify this piece for each row. These 3 overflow pieces represent the solution and can be used to provide clues for the next challenge of your room.
The standard set comes with Egyptian hieroglyphics, but the symbols can be customized with numbers, letters, or images to fit the theme of your room. For instance if the symbols were letters, the 3 letters could spell out a 3 letter word. Or if numbers, the 3 numbers could be the combination to a lock. Customization is a modest extra fee ($20). If you would like customization, select the option below for laser engraving and then email me ( or phone Dave or Phil with what you would like. (352-777-1069)
The set measures about 17.5" x 9". All text and images are deeply laser engraved.
Made in our Hudson, Florida shop, copyright 2017 Creative Crafthouse
Level of Difficulty: Level 3