Site Map
- Puzzles
- Puzzle Boxes
- Games
- Escape
- Cipher
- Magic
- Wall Hangings
- Toys
- Specials
- Craftsman Elite Puzzles
- Japanese Puzzle Boxes
- Personal Favorites
- Puzzle Gift Sets
- Assembly Puzzles
- Picture Frame Puzzles
- Dexterity Puzzles
- Magic Puzzles
- Math Puzzles
- Word Puzzles
- String Puzzles
- Logic & Pattern
- Burr Puzzles
- Disection Puzzles
- Kumiki Puzzles
- Animal Picture Frame Puzzles
- Medical Picture Frame Puzzles
- Military Picture Frame Puzzles
- Hobby Picture Frame Puzzles
- Profession Picture Frame Puzzles
- Sports Picture Frame Puzzles
- Best Sellers
- What's New
- Norwegian Cruise Lines
- Seconds
- State Picture Frame Puzzles
- Pocket Puzzles
- "Woodie" Man - Classic Country Creative Children's Toy
- 10 Penny Puzzle - a circle packing problem
- 3 Wheel Combination Puzzle Box - You Choose the Code
- 3 Wheel Combination Secret Lock Puzzle Box
- 3L puzzle - great desk or coffee table type puzzle
- 4-T's Puzzle- there's an easy side & a hard side...
- 4D Four D puzzle - a 4th dimension here??
- 7 Pennies Puzzle - Can you place 7 pennies?
- 8 L-ements puzzle 4x4x4 cube with added challenges
- Air Force Challenge brain teaser puzzle w/ base & cover
- Airplane Kumiki Puzzle
- Airplane Puzzle Jumbo
- Alberti Cipher Disk - powerful encryption from 15th century
- Alpha Snake G-7 Puzzle - Arrange so that no letters repeated
- Alpha Snake I-9 Puzzle - Arrange so that no letters repeated
- Alquerque ( or Quirkat ) wood game with cover
- Amazing Insight 16 Math Window Cards
- Amazing Insight Alpha mind read magic - determine letter chosen
- Amazing Insight Mind 99 Reading Cards - unique
- Animals of Alaska - Wooden Picture Frame and Brain Teaser Puzzle
- Animals of Australia Puzzle - Wooden Picture Frame Puzzle - Animal Gift
- Animals of the Appalachian Mountains Puzzle - Forever Wild
- Apothecary Chest Puzzle
- Army Challenge Puzzle - Can you accomplish this mission?
- Around the Barn Edge Matching wood puzzle - now w/ cover
- Arrow Tour - Analytical Puzzle from Martin Gardner book
- Salon Puzzle - Hairdresser & Beauty Shop Challenge
- Auto Mechanics Challenge Puzzle
- Backgammon Set in folding wood box
- Barricade (Malefiz) - Large Round with ceramic Frogs
- Barricade (Malefiz) - Large Round with Pegs
- Barricade (Malefiz) - premium with pegs
- Baseball Fanatic Puzzle - tougher than hitting a home run?
- Baseball Puzzle 12 pc
- Baseball Scoreboard Puzzle - Ash wood - tricky
- baseball Yankee Stadium Facade premium size small 3 sections total 40" W x 5.2" H
- baseball Yankee Stadium premium Facade LARGE 10.6 x 82" white acrylic
- Beer Bash - The Beer Lovers Puzzle
- Beer Bottle Puzzle - "think before your drink"
- Bicycle Maze Challenge- Place all 5 balls into pedal area
- Bike Lovers Puzzle for those that love their Bicycles
- Bird Lovers Puzzle - Can you fit all the birds into the aviary? - Wooden Puzzle
- Blessings Cube
- Boat Kumiki Ship large
- Boat Kumiki Ship - size medium
- Boat Kumiki small
- Bowling Pin Puzzle - Bowling Memories Wood Brain Teaser Puzzle
- Borderline
- Box of Chocolates puzzle - 7 pcs in wood base with cover
- Stick-It Box - a Tom Lensch design
- Braille Box puzzle for Escape Rooms- Can you find the clue?
- Braille Cipher- Encryption device for the blind
- Brainiac 12 Math Magic hardwood cards puzzle trick
- Brainiac 9 magic math cards - unique design, amazing magic
- Bricked Puzzle-unusual design provides both challenge & variety
- 18 Piece Burr #2 - A Challenging Puzzle for Adults
- Brilliant! - A Puzzle Celebrating English Gardens & Culture
- Mag Lock Box - Customizable Escape Room Puzzle Box
- Buttonhole Puzzle (set of 3)
- Calibron 12 - A Very Difficult Wood Puzzle Brain Teaser
- Cannonball pyramid
- Cannonball Pyramid 5x5x5 - very difficult design by Mike Reilly
- Cat Lovers Puzzle Makes a Great and Unique Gift Idea
- CCO 3 Piece Burr Wood Puzzle Brainteaser
- Century Cube Large Wood Sequential Puzzle Brain Teaser
- Champagne Cup Ball Catch Classic Wooden Toy
- Changing Four Wood Logic Puzzle
- Checkers / Draughts in Box With Wood Cover Size Large
- Travel Chess with Cover
- Travel Chess with Carved Men
- Chinese Checkers Two Player Version of The Classic Board Game
- Chinese Checkers Extra Large Game Board for Multiple Players
- Cigar Lovers Puzzle Wood Puzzle Brain Teaser
- Cigar Nub Challenge Wooden Puzzle
- City Planner Unique Wood Brain Teaser Puzzle
- Coast Guard Challenge Puzzle USCG Great Gift Idea
- Color Match Tiles 12 Edge Matching Brain Teaser Puzzle
- Color Match Tiles 8 Edge Matching Logic Puzzle
- Color Match Triangles Edge Matching Brain Teaser
- Color Match Wheels- Can you match all adjacent colors?
- Firefighters Community Heroes - Wood Brain Teaser Puzzle - Firefighter Gift
- Police Community Heroes Wood Brainteaser Puzzle
- Computer Chip - Can you reprogram this one??
- Computer Chip Wood Brainteaser Size Large
- Confederate Army Cipher Disk Civil War Encryption and Decryption Device
- Connect Four 3D Fun Twist on the Popular Family Game
- Wine Bottle Connoisseur's Dilemma - Puzzle Trap Your Alcohol
- Convolution Blockhead A Stewart Coffin Wood Puzzle Brainteaser
- Cooks Cupboard Puzzle - Kitchen Item Puzzle Pieces Need to Be Put Away
- Counting 10 Puzzle Multiple Challenges Ranging From Kids to Adults
- Cover Up Wood Brain Teasers Puzzle
- Cracked Egg Difficult Wood Puzzle for Adults - Very Hard
- Crazy 6 Wood Puzzle Cube Brainteaser
- Crazy Four
- Crazy Loops - 2 person puzzle - great fun!
- Crazy Quilt
- Crazy Squares
- Cribbage - Tournament long board premium
- Cribbage board 4 person folding with storage handcrafted
- Cribbage Board Folding - holds cards inside- great small board
- Cribbage Board large with cover
- Cross Out - Can you separate the puzzle into 2 pieces?
- Cross Sticks - Can you take the ring off the "X"?
- Crossroads Puzzle - position balls to the inside & outside
- Cruiser 4 piece puzzle - 2 sizes avail - Stewart Coffin design
- Cubs over Indians Baseball Scoreboard Puzzle - Ash wood
- Curling Fanatics Puzzle - wood & acrylic challenging brain tease
- Death Star 51 (Pagoda)
- Death Star 99 (Pagoda Puzzle HUGE)
- Devil's Cube Puzzle
- Devils Chessboard - 16 pcs to make the chessboard
- Devil's Square - difficult wooden puzzle
- Deweys Dilemma bookworm puzzle - unique and artistic design
- Diamond Cube - Small, medium, or two tone
- Diamonds Forever 12 pc burr puzzle
- Dice Cube Challenge - 6 puzzles w/ 4 degrees difficulty!
- Dice Cube Logs
- Dice Set 4 in Box
- Dice set 5 in box
- Digigrams - Count On Me! -can you fit 0 thru 9 into base?
- Dinosaur Dilemma II puzzle- tougher and more artistic
- Dinosaur Dilemma Puzzle - 8 Dinos fit back into square
- Disa Tower Game - how high can you stack it? 1 to 4 players
- Disk Escape Maze for Escape Rooms
- Dizzy Marbles
- Dodecagon Dilemma Puzzle - 12 Twelve sided pcs VERY challenging
- Dog -Big Dog puzzle
- Dog Lovers Puzzle - artistic & challenging brain teaser - wood
- Dog Puzzle
- Domino Match Coaster Puzzle - 4 Octagon shaped disks
- Dominoes Set Double 12 wood handcrafted in box
- Dominoes Set Double 6 wood handcrafted in box
- Dominoes Set Double 9 wood handcrafted in box
- Double Square Puzzle - make a 4 pc then a 5 pc square
- Dragon Burr 6x6x6
- Dragon's Egg - Can you open mysterious puzzle?
- Egg Tangram - 9 pc - Makes bird shapes too!
- Elephant Kumiki Style Puzzle size large
- Eleven L's Puzzle - comes unsolved...
- Enigma 37 Encryption Machine with letters & numbers
- Enigma II Encryption Machine & Puzzle - encode & decode size Small
- Enigma II Encryption Machine & Puzzle - encode & decode size LRG
- Enigma III Encryption Cipher Machine
- Enigma IV Encryption Cipher Machine - with $100+ challenge
- Enigma Slide Rule Cipher - linear cipher w/ numbers & characters
- Enigma V Encryption Machine - 7.2 billion keys - $150 challenge!
- Enophile's Challenge or Bottle of Fine Wine Puzzle
- Feed the Cat Maze Puzzle - beautiful and sneaky hard
- Feed the Dog Puzzle- unusual & challenging maze puzzle
- Feed the Fish Maze Puzzle
- Fisherman's Dilemma Puzzle
- Five Field Kono - 2 player strategy game of Korean origin
- Five Fit Puzzle size small - a Stewart Coffin design
- Five Fit size large with cover - Stewart Coffin based design
- Flower Garden - Florists Challenge - unique and beautiful
- Follow Your Heart String Puzzle
- Football Fanatics Puzzle
- Forever Wild - Animals of the Rocky Mountains Puzzle
- Fort Fearless- 9 math & logic puzzles to solve
- Four Field Kono- two player strategy game of Korean origin
- Fox and Geese Game - wooden with cover
- Foxagon Puzzle - only 4 pieces, how hard can it be?
- Get My Goat Puzzle - Capture the goat inside the cage!
- Ghost Coin Illusion- watch the Ghost Coin melt through the post
- Ghost Tower - great puzzle for ages 5 to 11
- Giant Puzzle - challenging logic & pattern puzzle 1888 design
- GO - classic 2 person strategy game from 4th century BC China
- Golf Fanatic Puzzle- Artistic and challenging
- Golf Hole-in-One Premium -Yikes par 120!
- Grape Cluster puzzle
- Great Escape - Can you free our hero?
- Gun Puzzle Colt 45 style Revolver 11 pc
- Half Hour Puzzle - design by Stewart Coffin
- Heart Tangram - 9 pc all hardwood with cover
- Heart Tangram Premium model from Maple/Cherry
- Heaths Deciphering Dice- amazing math trick and magic effects
- Helicopter Kumiki Puzzle
- Hercules Cube - you will need much strength of will- tough!
- Hercules Cube -size medium, 33 pcs TOUGH!
- Hexacube
- Hexagon 10 - Wood Brain Teaser Puzzle Game
- Hexagon Conundrum
- Hockey Fanatics Puzzle
- Holey Moley Premium - 10 Bowling Pins model
- Holey Moley Premium - 8 heads on Unicycles model
- Holey Moley Puzzle Jumbo 20 inch
- Honey Bee Puzzle - Help the Hive Thrive
- Horse Lovers Puzzle - The Equestrian Challenge Brain Teaser
- Horse Race Game for 2 players
- Hotplate - Can't solve it?...well, looks good in kitchen..
- Idiot Stick (Rubber band Snatch)
- Impossible Shape I
- Impossible Shape II
- Impossible Square - Fit the extra piece into the square (huh?)
- Inside Out Box - unusual, the pcs are the box!
- Interlock 3
- Interlock 4 - Four piece Stewart Coffin design
- Isoceles Triangle Puzzle - 5 complex pcs is attractive base
- Key Maze - Escape Room wood model traps a key until puzzle is solved
- Lane Master Pro Bowling Instruction Guide Tool
- Last Fighter peg jumping game- Large
- Lawyer Puzzle - so difficult you may want to prosecute us...
- Letter T Puzzle - classic 4 pieces make a T & 20 other shapes
- Letter T Puzzle in wood box - Premium edition
- Liberty 1776 Puzzle - edge matching - unique
- Locking Cube - a classic challenging 6 piece puzzle
- Locking Cube- 2 tone
- Log Jam - Wooden Brain Teaser Puzzle
- Lord of the Ring I - Can you capture the ring?
- Lord of the Ring II - Frodo never had it so tough...
- Lost Marble Maze Puzzle - Can you find the marble?
- Loyd Polyominos - Makes all Pentomino shapes & more
- Lumberjack
- Magic Dice - Can you find the marble in the dice maze?
- Magic Math Candles - astounding math puzzle/ trick
- Magic Mentalist Cards- fun and amazing trick easy to perform
- Magic Picture Cubes Illusion - Fun Magic trick
- Magnet Maze puzzle for Escape Rooms
- Mancala premium
- Marble Canoe Puzzle - dexterity, very clever
- Marble Tour Puzzle
- Marine Corps Challenge Puzzle
- Marksmans Challenge Puzzle - Gun Picture Frame Puzzle -- for Top Shot Shooters only!
- Martin's Menace Puzzle- Stewart Coffin Design #217 size small
- Match Four Jumbo puzzle - Escape Room sized
- Math Snake 7 blocks
- Math Snake 9 blocks
- Medical Emergency Puzzle
- Mexican Army Cipher- historical, powerful, useful encryption
- Mikado - Pick-up sticks game
- Mind Reader Animal Alpha math magic cards puzzle
- Monster T - 54 "T" shaped pieces make 6x6x6 cube
- Monster Z - 54 Z shaped pieces make 6x6x6 Cube
- Mosaic Tic Tac Toe - get 3 or 4 in a row - with base & cover
- Most Perfect Magic Square 64 Math Puzzle
- Motorcycle Rally - The Biker's Brain Teaser Puzzle
- Mouse Maze - Can you guide our mouse friend to freedom?
- Muscle Cube -2-Tone
- Mysterious Mind Reader Cards - Magic!
- Mysterious Mind Reader Cards expanded 61
- Mysterious Mind Reader Cards to 125
- Nails Puzzle - Balancing Act - Balance 6 Nails on the Head of 1
- Napiers local Arithmetic Board
- Nautical Challenge Picture Frame Puzzle and Brain Teaser - Boaters Beware...
- Nine Mens Morris or Mills - Premium version
- No Connections Puzzle - size large - Martin Gardner based
- No Connections Puzzle - unique design that looks easy, but not!
- No Fit Puzzle - how can this be??
- No Fit Puzzle - how can this be?? Premium version in Cast Acrylic
- Noahs Ark wood brain teaser puzzle
- Odd Man Out Puzzle - a personal favorite
- Omweso & Bao & HUS- Africa traditional board game
- Only One Love String Puzzle - Unique Valentine's Day Gift Idea
- Opticum 3 Secret Message- your own custom secret sign puzzle
- Orchestra Pit Puzzle unique hardwood design with 13 instruments
- OUTBACK puzzle- Stewart Coffin design #222
- Overflow Puzzle designed for Escape Rooms - std or customizable
- Packing Predicament - Can you pack 6 pcs in the box?
- Parlor Baseball Game - from 1903 - Handmade Vintage Board Game
- Peanut Butter Sandwich Puzzle
- Peg Go Game - Compact portable style with pegs & cover - Goban
- Peg Golf - Can you sink all 13 pegs?
- Peg Jump 6 - Triangle Jumping Puzzle - Complex version w/ 6 rows
- Penny Hockey Game - exclusive from our shop
- Penny Soccer Game
- Penny Packer 16 Puzzle - insert 16 provided pennies into opening
- Perfect 10 Puzzle - Wood Math Puzzle
- Pig Puzzle
- PigPen Cipher - Encryption using geometric shapes
- Pistol Maze Puzzle- Maneuver the bullet from handle to barrel
- Pixel Bit II Puzzle- insert the 3 bits into the frame
- Pixel Bit Puzzle- insert the 2 bits into the frame
- Pizza Pie Puzzle - Math & Logic puzzle
- Poker Dice Deluxe in wood box set - lasered - no card repeated
- Poker Dice set all wood with box base
- Poolazoid Puzzle- 4 tough challenges - A George Sicherman design
- Pueblo Secret Lock Puzzle Box - Can you open the box?
- Pyramid 4 Pieces size small
- Pyramid Puzzle 14 pieces
- Fun Desktop Puzzle - Two Piece Pyramid Brain Teaser - Fidget Toy
- Pyramid Puzzle 9 pieces
- Ramube Octahedron - An challenging CreativeCrafthouse design
- Redstone Box or Hide the Redstone Wooden Puzzle
- Revolving Century II puzzle - rotate the disks to add to 100
- Rhombic Blocks- Stewart Coffin design #122 puzzle
- Rhombus 5 - the five pieces make 29 shapes- terrific package!
- Roulette Math Game
- Saddle the Horses Puzzle wood set - Sam Lloyd & PT Barnum 1872
- Safecracker 40 puzzle - Can you find the combination?
- Safecracker 50 puzzle - 2 tone maple & Cherry
- 8-Queens Puzzle - A wooden chess-style brain teaser puzzle
- Save Your Ass Puzzle-Can you have the Donkey be the last remaining
- Sea Creatures II Puzzle - artistic and challenging
- Sea Creatures Puzzle -8 pcs - Can you fit them in the water?
- Secret Lock Box III- Jail Cell - beer can, cell phone, gift card
- Secret Lock Box puzzle - can you open the box?
- Secret Lock Box puzzle I- with Mandala artwork
- Secret Lock Dragon Puzzle Box - each with unique combination
- Secret Stash Puzzle Box - Red Stained Maple Mandala Model
- Secret Stash Puzzle Box- Firebird
- Secret Sum Puzzle Wheel - all columns to add to same number
- Shippers Dilemma Y 25 pc with base and cover
- Shippers Dilemma Z - very difficult 25 pc packing box puzzle
- Short Circuit - can you rewire in time!?!?...
- Shut Box - 4 Row version - allows unusual variations on the game
- Shut The Box Game #1-48 Advanced version ages 12+
- Skating Fanatics- Figure Skating and Ice Dancing Puzzle
- Smiley Face Game and Odd-Even Tag Game
- Snake - 3x3x3 "Ornery Orange" pattern - UNUSUAL
- Snake Crystal Pagoda - 1 pc puzzle twists all about
- Soccer Ball puzzle - 6 pcs - size Large
- Solitaire (Hi-Q) peg jumping game -sz Large
- Extremely Difficult Puzzle for Adults - The Splitting Headache Wood Brain Teaser
- Star 26 - Every row on the star must add to 26
- Stargazer Puzzle Box-EXTRA LARGE puzzle box- fun & clever
- Stomachion or Ostomachion Puzzle - worlds oldest by Archimedes
- Sudoku Cube puzzle - premium quality
- Sum 15 Game- Alternate turns to be first to add to 15. Math Fun
- Swords of Truth - Magic with math - puzzle trick
- Tangram 10 piece with box & cover - will make 190 shapes
- Amazing Pi Puzzle - 3.141592653589793238462643 tons of fun
- Biologist puzzle - Biology Scientists Dilemma w/ Raintree Frame
- Cardiologist Puzzle - Cardiology
- Chiropractor Puzzle- Challenging and Artistic
- Corvette Puzzle- VERY difficult to park these cars
- Democratic Party Puzzle - Challenging and beautiful
- Dentist Puzzle- more painful than a root canal?
- Dermatologist Puzzle - Dermatology w/ Raintree Frame
- Ear Nose Throat ENT Doctor Puzzle
- Eye Doctors Puzzle - Optometrist, ophthalmologist
- Family Physician Picture Frame Puzzle - Doctor's Gift
- Fifty Game-2 person strategy game; fun, easy, but tricky!
- Fractions Puzzle- Math Teaching Aid - includes cover
- Nurse Puzzle- Challenging and Artistic
- Orthopedic Surgeon Puzzle- tougher than a hip replacement?
- Pediatrician Puzzle w/ Raintree Frame
- Physical Therapist Puzzle
- Podiatrist Puzzle
- Pythagorean Theorem Puzzle
- Realtor Puzzle - A Real Estate Challenge - Wooden Picture Frame Puzzle
- Republican Party - Wooden Picture Frame Puzzle - Gift Idea
- Snare- a Double Sided Maze Brain Teaser Puzzle
- Sweetheart Puzzle- Add An Engraved Message or Name for a Valentine's Day Gift
- Triangulator Pyramid - interesting 3 pc puzzle
- Vicar's Vestibule Puzzle - Picture Frame Puzzle w/ religious Christian symbols
- Yoga Puzzle - Stretch your Brain
- Tic Tac Toe Set
- Tic-Tac-Toe & 9 Digits Puzzle
- Timber Line Puzzle Insert logs so all trunks are same height
- Trail Run Wood Brain Teaser Puzzle - edge match to complete path
- Train Heritage - Railroad Brain Teaser Puzzle
- Treasure Chests- nested set of 3, Curved or Flat Top style
- Triple Triangle Peg Jumping puzzle
- Turtle Creek Puzzle - Can you fit all 9 Turtles into the "pond"?
- Twist and Shout brain teaser
- Union Army Cipher Disk- American Civil War flag telegraphy
- Air Force Academy Puzzle- USAF challenge
- Naval Academy Puzzle- US Navy Tough & artistic brain teaser NAVY
- Navy Puzzle - US Navy Challenging & Artistic 22 pc wood brain teaser
- Vanishing Line - where did it go? Math magic illusion puzzle
- W Dilemma Puzzle - 15 W's & 5 unit blocks with 17 challenges
- Walking Duck Toy - all wood handcrafted
- Walking Turtle Toy - all wood handcrafted
- Washington DC Puzzle - Artistic & Challenging Brain Teaser
- Washington Monument Puzzle - difficult math puzzle
- Wedding Vows String Puzzle
- Whirli-Gear Toy - classic whirligig or buzzsaw toy -our design
- Hikers Puzzle - Wilderness Adventure
- Wine Lovers Puzzle - Artistic and Challenging brain teaser
- Wizards Math Magic Cards - predict the sum of hardwood cards chosen
- Wood train set - engine & 3 cars with pull string
- Wooden Nickel brain teaser puzzle - Can you collect them all?
- Woodworkers Challenge Puzzle
- Word Snake 7 Puzzle- a secret message puzzle.
- Word Snake 7 Puzzle- CUSTOMIZE your own secret message
- Word Snake 9 Puzzle- a secret message puzzle.
- Word Snake 9 Puzzle-CUSTOMIZE your own secret message puzzle.
- Word Towers & Towers of Hanoi -6 challenging puzzles to solve
- Yosemite Park puzzle - Forever Wild - Animals of Yosemite
- Ziggurat square
- Zoo Keeper Puzzle
- Penny Drop Game Economy Version - A Fun Family or Bar Game
- Penny Drop Game Premium Version - A Fun Family or Bar Game
- Golf Brain Teaser Puzzle (2 sizes available)
- Genaille Lucas Rulers or Rods
- Overtime Puzzle Box challenging, artistic
- Secret Lock Box II - Brain Teaser Puzzle Gift Box
- Diana Cryptosystem US Army Special Forces Cipher Disk
- Animal Challenge - Pet Puzzle - Dog or Cat Treat Puzzle in 2 sizes
- Pyramid Cage Puzzle - Get the Pyramid out of its cage
- Wine Barrel Wooden Burr Puzzle
- Tower of Hanoi
- Star Cube
- Shapeshifter Creativity blocks available 3 sizes
- Secret Stash Box - Handmade Wooden Puzzle Box
- Shut the Box sz Med 9x6 now with wood burned numbers
- Shut The Box sz large 9x9 with wood burned numbers
- Shut The Box Game #1-12 premium
- Shippers Dilemma
- Double Trouble String Puzzle - themed models available
- 2 Sun 4 Step Koyosegi - unusual Cube design w/DRAWER Japanese Puzzle Box
- Decision Maker -solves all your dilemmas!
- Patience Box - one of the most versatile puzzles! 2 Sizes available
- Hooey Stick (Gee Haw Whimmy Diddle)
- King Snake 4x4x4 - Difficult one-piece wooden puzzle
- 3 Sun Koyosegi - 12 Step Japanese Puzzle Box
- Royal Flush Puzzle - Maple
- Moon Cage (Boule Enferme)
- 3 Sun Koyosegi - 7 Step
- Pentathalon Cube -25 pcs make the checkered cube - 2 sizes available
- Soma Cube - IMHO best puzzle ever.. available in 5 sizes
- Mind Reader Cards in wood box with cover
- Ludo Game -cover model with pegs avail 2 sizes
- Football (Rugby) - halftime challenge...
- Tangram 7 Pc - 3 sizes available
- 3 puzzle set - size medium
- 6 Puzzle Gift Set
- Puzzle Challenge Set II
- Puzzle Master I Gift Set
- Puzzle Master II Gift Set
- Puzzle Pro II Set
- Puzzle Pro III Set
- Puzzle Pro IV Set
- Puzzle Pro V Set
- Shippers Dilemma Gift Set
- Bottle Box for wine or whiskey- premium wood puzzle box with hidden compartment
- Jumbo Ciphers Disks - 3 sizes- custom designs - Escape Rooms
- Pentominoes
- Pentominoes Plus
- Pentominoes 3D - 2 sizes available
- Mag Lock Puzzle Box - select from 10 artwork designs
- Word Wheel Puzzle - Mix of Scrabble, Word Search, & Brain Teaser
- Floorboard Football Game - use board & Coins -original design
- Clubhouse Golf Game - use board & Coins -original design
- Snake - premium 3x3x3 two sizes available
- Pharmacist Puzzle
- 45 Game & Factors Game - math educational fun
- Around the Music Hall - Wood Edge Matching Puzzle
- Wood Knott Try This 3x4x6 Burr
- Wood Knott Try This 3x4x6 Burr (Small)
- Flower Garden - Hawaii
- Elephant Kumiki Style Puzzle size medium
- Holey Moley
- Left Right Center Dice Game LRC
- Classic Retro Wooden Brain Teaser - Egg Tangram Wood Puzzle - Made in the USA
- Mancala Mini
- Nightmare Box
- Shut the Box 1-9 small - portable "no box" style
- Soccer Ball puzzle - 6 pcs - size Medium
- Shut Box Monster 19" x 19" - A classic wooden game - unusual large gameroom size
- Decision Maker - (Custom lasered to your specs)
- Mancala Double (4 Rows)
- Muscle Cube
- Fanorona Game - 2 person stratgey game originated Madagascar
- Old Growth Teak Box - Large
- Terrible Twos
- Soma - Rubberwood Craftsman Edition
- Allergist and Immunologist Puzzle w/ Raintree Frame
- Letter K in Plastic Box
- Procrastinator Puzzle - 9 pieces with 20 different challenges
- 3 Puzzle Gift Set - Master's Edition
- Farmers Challenge Puzzle w/ Raintree Frame
- Norwegian Cruise Only
- Cash Out Wood Puzzle Holds Money and Gift Cards
- Cats & Dogs Puzzle - A beautiful and unique wooden picture frame puzzle
- Dice set - big 1.5" Diameter
- Dice set 2
- Key Maze III- Large Premium Key Maze - Escape Room rugged with
- Magic Square 34 & The 15 Puzzle
- Magician's Shelf or Drawer Box
- Martin's Menace Puzzle size large with cover- Stewart Coffin Design #217 - Difficult!
- Mouse and Cheese - the mouse's tail is caught in the cheese!
- Napier's Bones - base, cover and 2 full sets of rod
- OB/GYN Obstetrics and Gynecology Puzzle
- Pegs & Jokers Wood Game -a traditional game of American origin
- Tigers & Goats or Bagha Chal classic wood game with cover
- Which is Larger? - PREMIUM - Illusion brain teaser puzzle
- 3 Puzzle set - size large
- Clubhouse Football/Golf - Double Sided - avail different woods
- Impossible Joint ... Can you separate the 2 pcs?
- Decision Maker - Executive Model
- Decision Maker - For Dads
- Decision Maker - For Moms
- Decision Maker - Whats for Dinner Edition
- Decision Maker - Teachers Grade Decider
- Decision Maker - Todays Activity Decider
- Decision Maker - Love Decider
- Decision Maker - The Bowling Game
- Aristotle's Wheel Paradox puzzle
- Teak Box - Small
- Fitness Puzzle - tougher than Bootcamp?
- Coffee Lovers Puzzle
- Custom - Norwegian Cruise Lines Only
- Playing Pieces 4 Pack - Norwegian Cruise Lines ONLY
- Tea Lovers Puzzle
- Seamstress and Tailor Puzzle
- Lucky Spin Game - 2 person roulette where you nearly always win (if you know the secret)
- Circle Pack 13 puzzle
- Bug Lovers Puzzle - Entomologists Dilemma w/ Raintree Frame
- Dice Set 2" Large
- Letter S dissection puzzle - a design from 1921
- Letter D dissection puzzle - from 1933
- Doomsday Day of the Week Calculator
- Math Challenge 1-9 : Three math probems to solve using digits 1 to 9
- 60 Alpha- math puzzle from 1895 and a word search puzzle
- Whiskey - Scotch - Bourbon Lovers Puzzle - best to try sober... Whisky
- Word Wheel Scramble 74A - Wooden puzzle word search challenges
- Word Wheel Scramble 74B- Wooden puzzle word search challenges
- Gardeners Challenge puzzle
- OT Latch box built Escape Room tough
- Teacher Appreciation Puzzle
- Creature Box
- Post Office Puzzle USPS w/ Raintree Frame
- Soccer Fanatic Puzzle
- Secret Lock Box I Premium with animal artwork on five sides
- Secret Lock Box I Premium with nature scene artwork on five sides
- Hurricane Puzzle Box - maple - dragon style
- Hurricane Puzzle Box - City - Circuit board artwork
- Hurricane Puzzle Box - maple - Ancient Egypt artowrk
- Hurricane Puzzle Box Maple - it may blow you away...
- Penny Drop II game - maple top with solid hardwood box
- Secret Lock Box I Premium model with Mandala artwork
- Janelle Cipher- powerful hand held encryption device. Encrypts letters, numbers and four keyboard s
- 3 Puzzle Gift Set - The Gamut
- 3 Puzzle Gift Sets - Snakes in a Box
- Wicked Good Maine Laser Engraved Wood Puzzle
- Florida Challenge Picture Frame Puzzle
- Overtime Box Pheonix Edition
- Skiers Challenge Puzzle
- Tennis Fanatic Puzzle w/ Raintree Frame
- Belle Box - premium handcrafted puzzle box
- Surgeon's Challenge Puzzle
- Basketball Fanatic Basketball
- A Christmas Puzzle - Complete the Christmas Story in this Picture Frame Puzzle
- Medical Assistant Puzzle
- Psychiatrist Puzzle
- Veterinarian Puzzle
- Cricket Fanatic Puzzle
- Yankee Facade premium size medium 72" long x 7" height from thick white acrylic
- Yankee Facade Economy- all the details as premium models but made on 1/8" white Eucotile hard
- Secret Stash Puzzle Box- The Snowflake Box
- Alphabet Soup word puzzle
- Yankee Facade premium size mini 18" x 3.5" from cast white acrylic
- Banker Puzzle
- Porsche Puzzle
- Anesthesiologist Puzzle
- Spare wood Pegs for Peg Go, Pente, Peg Jump, Cribbage
- Tic-Tac-Toe 3-D pemium
- Tower of Hanoi-9 Ring
- Jumbo Enigma Cipher Gears
- Folding Meditation Bench - premium quality Ash wood
- Clock Solitaire Peg Jumping Puzzle - Game
- Secret Lock Box I Premium
- Quarantine Activty Decider - new Decision Maker style
- Burr 2x2x2
- Bulls Eye 15 - place the 3 plates such that 15 targets show
- Mag Lock Puzzle Box - select from 10 artwork designs style:money-bag
- Mag Lock Puzzle Box - select from 10 artwork designs style:cowboy
- Mag Lock Puzzle Box - select from 10 artwork designs style:wizard
- Mag Lock Puzzle Box - select from 10 artwork designs style:gun
- Mag Lock Puzzle Box - select from 10 artwork designs style:braille
- Mag Lock Puzzle Box - select from 10 artwork designs style:key
- Mag Lock Puzzle Box - select from 10 artwork designs style:egypt
- Mag Lock Puzzle Box - select from 10 artwork designs style:ship
- Mag Lock Puzzle Box - select from 10 artwork designs style:sign-language
- Mag Lock Puzzle Box - select from 10 artwork designs style:religious-cross
- Shippers Dilemma size:large
- Shapeshifter Creativity blocks size:64-block
- Game Ball - 10 pc wood brain teaser puzzle - beautiful hardwood style:standard
- Teacher's Day Puzzle - challenging puzzle honoring educators
- Here Comes The Sun - Wood Brain Teaser Puzzle
- Dime Dilemma - or The 10 Cent Challenge
- Magic Box Premium Two Tone - Can you open the box? Will hold a gift card
- Seconds Penny Drop Premium version
- Elusive Spy
- Where is the Cat?? or Dog??
- Where's the Money?
- Labyrinth Puzzle Box
- Teak Tray Small
- Teak Tray Medium
- Teak Tray Large
- Teak Tray Large with Legs
- Nickel Drop - A Fun Family and Bar Game!
- Lucky L Puzzle
- Sea Creatures Acrylic Picture Frame Puzzle
- Cubed Root for Napier's Bones
- Square Root Rod for Napier's Bones
- Golf SHOT Game
- Golf Decision Maker
- Which is Larger Golf Edition
- Double Trouble String Puzzle Golf Edition
- Mysterious Mind Reader Cards Telepath Edition
- Radiologist Puzzle - Wooden Picture Frame Puzzle - Doctor's Gift
- Lone Star Challenge - Texas Puzzle
- Base 2 Binary Counter
- Paranormal Puzzle
- Vortex Box - A unique and high quality puzzle box
- California Puzzle
- Wood Box w/ Sliding Cover - Perfect for Escape Roomss
- Snakes and Ladders
- Oncologist Puzzle - Wood Picture Frame Puzzle and Brain Teaser
- Pregnancy Tester
- 2022 Puzzle MMXXII
- Sports Bet Decision Maker
- Land of Enchantment New Mexico Puzzle
- Plastic Surgeon Puzzle
- Psychologist Puzzle
- Mental Health Puzzle Series; select: Therapist, Counselor, or Mental Health option
- Rock Star Guitar Maze Puzzle
- Hurricane Puzzle Box - Tiger
- Hurricane Box - Tall ship
- Dental Hygienist Puzzle - Wood Picture Frame Brain Teaser
- Optician Puzzle - A unique gift and brain teaser puzzle
- Balloon Enthusiast Picture Frame Puzzle - Soar high in the sky!
- Hot Air Balloon Fanatic Puzzle
- 3 Sun Koyosegi/Kuzushi - 18 Step Japanese Puzzle Box
- 4 Sun 14 Step Koyosegi Japanese Puzzle Box
- 5 Sun 27 Step Koyosegi Japanese Puzzle Box
- 2 Sun 7 Step Koyosegi & Walnut Japanese Puzzle Box
- 4 Sun 14 Step Koyosegi & Walnut Japanese Puzzle Box
- Three Jewels Puzzle - Buddhism Picture Frame Puzzle
- Yellowstone Park Puzzle - Forever Wild - Wood Picture Frame Puzzle and Brain Teaser - Difficult
- Penny Drop Game Small Version - A Fun Family or Bar Game
- Mexican Train *Florida Edition* Hub and Tokens wooden domino game
- Mexican Train *Texas Edition* Hub and Tokens wooden domino game
- Mexican Train *California Edition* Hub and Tokens wooden domino game
- Mexican Train *New Mexico Edition* Hub and Tokens wooden domino game
- Three Escape Room Wooden Brain Teaser Puzzles Gift Set - Great for Adults and Children!
- Three Escape Room Wooden Brain Teaser Puzzle Gift Set Medium - Great for Adults and Children!
- Napier's Bones Set of Extra Rods #0-9
- Genaille Lucas One Set of Extra Rods #0-9 - Multiplication
- Genaille Lucas One Set of Extra Rods #0-9 - Division
- One Hour Challenge Puzzle - Wooden Brain Teaser Puzzle for Adults
- Fashion Designer Puzzle - A Beautiful and Unique Wooden Picture Frame Brain Teaser Puzzle
- Domino Fortnight wooden brain teaser puzzle - Can you solve both math challenges?
- Barricade (Malefiz) Game - Premium Large Size
- Bad Luck Bingo Wooden Brain Teaser Puzzle by Creative Crafthouse
- Domino Fortnight Pocket Version wooden brain teaser puzzle - Can you solve the math challenge?
- Neuro-Ophthalmology Puzzle - Wooden Picture Frame Puzzle
- Key Maze Puzzle - acrylic model– traps a key until maze is solved
- Seasonal Spells - Wooden Sliding/Logic Brain Teaser Puzzle
- Chess Moves CBK - Chess Puzzle - Wooden Brain Teaser Puzzle
- Picture Match Challenge - Animal Version - Wooden Brain Teaser Puzzle
- Faro / Pharo / Pharaoh classic gambling betting saloon game
- Sudoku Challenge brain teaser puzzle - Create your own Sudoku
- Order 21 Perfect Square Dissection - Math Brain Teaser Puzzle
- Tap Code Cipher (set of 2)
- Square to Decagon Puzzle
- Picture Match Challenge - Sport Version - Wooden Brain Teaser Puzzle
- Double Trouble String Puzzle Banking Edition
- Linex - 2 player strategy game
- Diver's Dilemma - Wood Picture Frame Puzzle
- Dominoes Double 9 Set made from Rubberwood w/Cover
- Computer Chip Premium Wood Puzzle - Can you reprogram this one??
- Clubhouse Golf Premium: Board & Coins Game for Golf fun 1/4" thick Cherry on a 3/4" Hickory base
- Giant Puzzle Premium - A fun twist on Sudoku!
- Chess Royal Wooden Brain Teaser Puzzle
- Cascade Cryptex Puzzle Box
- Lover's Position Decider - When you just can't decide...
- Great Balloon Escape - Wooden Sliding Brain Teaser Puzzle
- Great Cat Escape - Wooden Sliding Brain Teaser Puzzle
- Great Turtle Escape - Wooden Sliding Brain Teaser Puzzle
- Great Dog Escape - Wooden Sliding Brain Teaser Puzzle
- Revolving Double Century Two Challenging Math Puzzles in One
- Penny Drop Game Mini Version - A Fun Family or Bar Game
- Gravity Drop Challenge - Physics Toy - Which ball do you think will reach the end first?
- Skating Fanatics- Figure Skating and Ice Dancing Puzzle w/ Raintree Frame
- Coast Guard Challenge Puzzle USCG Great Gift Idea w/ Raintree Frame
- Motorcycle Rally - The Biker's Brain Teaser Puzzle w/ Raintree Frame
- Tea Lovers Puzzle w/ Raintree Frame - Wooden Picture Frame Puzzle - Great Gift Idea
- Family Physician w/ Raintree Frame - Wooden Picture Frame Puzzle - Doctor's Gift
- Animals of the Appalachian Mountains Puzzle - Forever Wild w/ Raintree Frame
- Radiologist Puzzle w/ Raintree Frame - Wooden Picture Frame Puzzle - Doctor's Gift
- Realtor Puzzle w/ Raintree Frame - A Real Estate Challenge - Wooden Picture Frame Puzzle
- Republican Party w/ Raintree Frame - Wooden Picture Frame Puzzle - Gift Idea
- Firefighters Community Heroes w/ Raintree Frame - Wooden Brain Teaser Puzzle - Firefighter Gift
- Weather Puzzle - Meteorologist's Dilemma - A Challenging Wooden Puzzle & Gift Idea
- Hi Roll Dice Game - A fun bar or family game for any number of players
- MMA - Mixed Martial Arts Fighter Challenge - Wooden Brain Teaser Puzzle
- Double Trouble String Puzzle MMA Mixed Martial Arts Fighter Edition
- Great Florida Escape Puzzle - Help the Gator Escape! - Wooden Sliding Brain Teaser Puzzle
- Great Escape MMA Challenge Sliding Puzzle - Help the fighter emerge victorious! - Great Escape
- Police Community Heroes Wood Brainteaser Puzzle w/ Raintree Frame
- Elusive Fighter - Help the fighter dodge the punches! - MMA Mixed Martial Arts Puzzle
- Shut the Barn Door - Wooden Dice Game - Family Game or Bar Game
- MMA Fighter Knockout Game - Wooden Dice Game - Family Game or Bar Game
- Gamblers Puzzle - Challenging Wooden Brain Teaser Puzzle for adults
- Pediatrician Puzzle - Medical Puzzle - Waiting Room Puzzle - Doctor Gift
- Penny Drop – Poker Chip Edition – Extra Large - Fun Family or Bar Game – Wooden Game
- Basketball Toss Wooden Game - Family Game - Bar Game - Basketball Game
- Secret Stash Puzzle Box *Mindfulness" Edition* - Made fom Eucalyptus Wood - Wooden Puzzle Box
- Secret Stash Puzzle Box *Heartwood Edition* - Made fom Eucalyptus Wood - Wooden Puzzle Box
- Step Pyramid - 20 pcs Puzzle - Challenging 3D Wooden Brain Teaser Puzzle
- Biologist puzzle - Biology Scientists Dilemma NEW
- Count On Me! - Premium Edition - Can you fit 0 thru 9 into the base? - Wooden Puzzle
- No Fit Puzzle - How can this be?? A fun and clever packing brain teaser puzzle!
- Universal Wooden Game Board Set Premium for 5x5, 4x4, 3x3 Grid Games – Double Sided and Portable
- Eleven L's Premium Edition - A challenging wooden brain teaser puzzle
- Throne the King Chess Puzzle - Wooden Brain Teaser Puzzle
- Enchanted Pawn Chess Puzzle - Wooden Brain Teaser Puzzle
- Impossible Shape Puzzle 2.0 - Fit Secret Wood Puzzle Piece Through all 3 Openings
- Grand Cathedral Puzzle - Wooden Chess Brain Teaser Puzzle
- Shutter Puzzle - Wooden Brain Teaser Puzzle for all ages
- Wooden dice box tray for tabletop RPG gaming / Dungeons and Dragons DnD
- Moon Phases Puzzle - Educational Montessori Toy for Teaching the Phases of the Moon and Lunar Cycle
- The Maya Calendar - An accurate replica of the Mayan Calendar Round
- Puma Pueblo Lock Box - Wooden Puzzle Box
- Hidden Arrow Wooden Puzzle - Tricky Spatial Brain Teaser