If you like to mess with friends, family, kids, grandkids, spouse, etc... here is something you just might love....
The Bet
You and a friend each pick a symbol by placing your coin on the game board and then spin the wheel. You can either choose to play for low or high number.
The Secret
This game is played using an old math principle known as mathematical progression. If you choose to play for high number, when your friend selects his symbol, you select your symbol by secretly counting clockwise 5 spaces around the wheel from the symbol he selected. This allows you to win approximately 15 times out of every 16 spins. If you choose to play for low number, you simply count 5 spaces counter clockwise.
If you would like to decrease your own odds of winning so that it's not quite so obvious, you can easily count 4 spaces clockwise for high or 4 spaces counter clockwise for low.
Quality constructed with detailed laser engraving. Measures about 4" square. For storage or travel, the base and spin disk insert into the cover to form a box.
Made in USA ©2019 CreativeCrafthouse
Thanks to Craig Raley from Carrellton TX for suggesting this game