Creative Crafthouse Blog
Bad Luck Bingo Wooden Brain Teaser Puzzle by Creative Crafthouse
by Peter Janelle • January 23, 2023

Bad Luck Bingo Wooden Brain Teaser Puzzle by Creative Crafthouse
Using the 20 disks provided,
place them on the board such that there is no bingo on a row, column, diagonal, or 4 corners. One of the disks goes on the free space.
There is more than one solution, including rotations and mirror images of the solution shown below.
As a competition, let 2 or more people try to solve the puzzle.... the person who’s remaining 5 numbers add to the highest total is the winner.
Made in USA by
Fun factor:This is an addicting puzzle! It's clear what your goal is and you know how to attack. It feels like you're one step away from getting the solution but that's often just a feeling. This drives you to keep on playing. It's a fun puzzle that's hard to put down!
Custom work: If you'd like to have a name or short message laser-engraved on the puzzle for a small fee, just let us know.

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